ICEF Trained Agent Counsellors (ITACs) List
The ITAC list provides easily accessible, detailed information on each ICEF Trained Agent Counsellor (ITAC) and their education agency. ITACs are agency-based student counsellors who have successfully completed the ICEF Agent Training Course (IATC) and passed the IATC formal test . These counsellors and their agencies can be found on a listing as well as via an interactive map shown below.
Click on any of the markers on the map to see the names and ITAC numbers of qualified student counsellors as well as details on their agency.
In geographical areas with a higher concentration of ITACs, a larger marker featuring a number will appear. Click on the marker to zoom in and see individual ITACs and their agencies. The ITAC list is generated automatically using Google Maps Geo-location tools. As not all addresses in the world can be accurately positioned on the map, some locations may not be displayed exactly.