A. Welcome to the Canada Course for Education Agents

The Canada Course supports professional development for agents specializing in Canada as a study destination and is offered by ICEF,  Languages Canada, and the Canadian Association of Public Schools International (CAPS-I).

The Canada Course provides education agents with:

  • An understanding of why Canada is one of the top study destinations in the world
  • An overview of the study options available in Canada, including examples of flexibility within the higher education system and pathways between programs and institutions
  • Information about how to apply to study, as well as costs and scholarships
  • Tips about how to best prepare for living and studying in Canada

We applaud your interest in Canada as a destination, and we have prepared this course to help you provide an overview of this country to students and their families considering a study abroad destination.

Why is education an important component in Canada’s global outlook?

As countries around the world plan for prosperity, it is critical that their economies be driven by innovation, research, top talent, and highly skilled labour. Such economies will depend on a strong knowledge sector, and underpinning this is the mobility of international students and the collaboration of international researchers. Canada is committed to supporting this state of affairs and has an excellent education system known for its quality, relevance and flexibility, and for its welcoming environment for international students.

In short, Canada is a destination in which students from across Canada and around the world can reach their full potential.

The information in this course is specifically designed for agents who are advising students and their families considering Canada as a top destination for education opportunities. It will help you provide students with details so they can choose a program and location in Canada, prepare for living in Canada, and complete all the necessary documentation required for study at a Canadian education institution.

Completing this course will enable you to help students make appropriate Canadian study choices and to position them for academic and career success through a great education experience in Canada.

Please note: The Canada Course provides education agents with a general foundation in the education systems and processes in Canada as they apply to international students; for information on the rules and processes of specific education institutions in Canada, agents will have to conduct their own research and make direct contact. The Canada Course includes a helpful list of resources at the end of each section for the agent’s personal use.