ICEF Agency Status

Build trust, save time and grow your business!

ICEF Agency Status (IAS) is a comprehensive education agency accreditation programme developed to advance standards in international education.

Our network of over 2,300 accredited agencies in around 130 countries is growing rapidly, showcasing trusted education agencies and helping them to stand out as government scrutiny and competition for the attention of international educational institutions increases.


Apply for IAS today and start enjoying the benefits
  • Demonstrate your trusted status to educational institutions, stakeholders and governments in key study destinations
  • Reassure parents and students that your agency adheres to global standards
  • Increase credibility and save time when signing up new educator partners
  • Gain global exposure by being included in our online directory of accredited agencies
  • Leverage ICEF marketing assets on your website and promotional materials
  • Receive exclusive discounts on ICEF Academy training and certification

You’ll also enjoy exclusive benefits at ICEF events:

  • ICEF event screening required only once a year
  • Priority access / fast-track event application
  • Entry to IAS-only VIP event lounges
  • Exclusive invitations to IAS-only events
Join the fastest-growing agency network in the world

  • Simply fill in the agency application form to give us some key information about your company, as well as 4 educator references and confirm acceptance of our Agency Code of Conduct. The application fee of €49 is payable at this stage, which is later deducted from your first annual subscription fee.
  • Your application will then be assessed by our dedicated IAS team, additional detailed company information will be requested and your ID will be automatically verified.
  • Once positive educator references have been received, all relevant checks have been passed and the annual subscription fee of €325 is settled, you will be accredited with ICEF Agency Status!