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ICEF USA is a specially curated event that takes place immediately following the NAFSA 2025 Annual Conference, enabling educators from the United States to meet with top, ICEF-accredited education agencies from around the world.

May 30 - 31, 2025 San Diego, USA
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Top 10 agent countries

  1. 1. India
  2. 2. Nepal
  3. 3. Nigeria
  4. 4. Uzbekistan
  5. 5. Vietnam
  6. 6. Türkiye
  7. 7. Canada
  8. 8. Brazil
  9. 9. Bangladesh
  10. 10. Azerbaijan
All agent countries
  1. 1. India
  2. 2. Nepal
  3. 3. Nigeria
  4. 4. Uzbekistan
  5. 5. Vietnam
  6. 6. Türkiye
  7. 7. Canada
  8. 8. Brazil
  9. 9. Bangladesh
  10. 10. Azerbaijan
  11. 11. Algeria
  12. 12. Argentina
  13. 13. Australia
  14. 14. Belarus
  15. 15. Botswana
  16. 16. Cameroon
  17. 17. China
  18. 18. Colombia
  19. 19. Côte d'Ivoire
  20. 20. Ecuador
  21. 21. Egypt
  22. 22. France
  23. 23. Germany
  24. 24. Ghana
  25. 25. Iran
  26. 26. Israel
  27. 27. Jordan
  28. 28. Kazakhstan
  29. 29. Kenya
  30. 30. Kyrgyz Republic
  31. 31. Lebanon
  32. 32. Mexico
  33. 33. Montenegro
  34. 34. Myanmar
  35. 35. Pakistan
  36. 36. Philippines
  37. 37. Rwanda
  38. 38. Saudi Arabia
  39. 39. Senegal
  40. 40. South Korea
  41. 41. Spain
  42. 42. Sweden
  43. 43. Taiwan
  44. 44. Tanzania
  45. 45. Uganda
  46. 46. Ukraine
  47. 47. United Arab Emirates
  48. 48. United Kingdom
  49. 49. USA
  50. 50. Zambia

Agent recruitment region

  • South Asia 0%
  • Africa 0%
  • Asia 0%
  • South & Central America 0%
  • Europe (non-Europe) 0%
  • Middle East 0%
  • North America 0%
  • Southeast Asia 0%
  • Australasia 0%
  • Europe 0%

Educator country

  1. 1. USA100%
All Educator country
  1. 1. USA
  • Higher education
  • Language programmes
  • Vocational training institutions
  • Secondary, boarding and high schools
  • Foundation / pathway programmes
  • Other