Full application for ICEF Agency Status (IAS)

IAS full application form

All fields marked with * must be filled in.

Please provide us with some information about your business to enable us to process your application, such as: Company profile, number of students sent, legal registration information.
At the end of this form, please provide us with references from four different institutions.

Back to step 1

Company Info

All fields marked with * must be filled in.

Maximum 5 entries.
Back to step 2

Social Media

Provide us with the social media links of your company.

Back to step 3

Reference Entry

Provide four different education provider references, ensuring that two of them are from officially recognised or accredited institutions. If you have previously supplied references you can skip this section.
Reference 1

Please provide us with the details of the 1st institution that you have sent students to in the last 12 months

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Reference 2

Please provide us with the details of the 2nd institution that you have sent students to in the last 12 months

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Reference 3

Please provide us with the details of the 3rd institution that you have sent students to in the last 12 months

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Reference 4

Please provide us with the details of the 4th institution that you have sent students to in the last 12 months

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Reference 5

Please provide us with the details of the 5th institution that you have sent students to in the last 12 months

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

Reference 6

Please provide us with the details of the 6th institution that you have sent students to in the last 12 months

Please add the phone number of the person at the given institution that can provide proof of your reference

ICEF Code of Conduct for the Ethical Recruitment of International Students

Agencies are expected to endorse and comply with the following code of conduct in order to establish and maintain their ICEF Agency Status and eligibility to attend ICEF events.

Agency owners and executives are straightforward, transparent, and accountable at all times and in all dealings with staff, institutions, students, parents, and other stakeholders.

This particularly includes ensuring that they and their staff are:

  1. Acting fairly and in the best interests of both students and institutional partners
  2. Providing current, accurate, and honest information
  3. Providing realistic and appropriate information that is tailored to the individual student, particularly in relation to language ability, financial capacity, and intended study programme
  4. Ensuring that visa or admissions applications are free of any fraudulent or misleading documents or representations
  5. Being transparent in all business dealings and advisory services, including avoiding any conflicts of interest or misrepresentation
  6. Prioritising the use of signed agreements or contracts between the agency and the institution, and being transparent with both students and receiving institutions in cases where a student may be referred outside of any such formal agreement
  7. Disclosing to partner-institutions whether any contracted sub-agents may play a role in recruitment and ensuring appropriate oversight or quality assurance measures to monitor sub-agent compliance with this code of conduct
  8. Preserving the confidentiality of all personal and business information
  9. Ensuring that minor students have adequate representation and support from a parent, guardian, and/or legal counsel
  10. Representing accurately the rights and responsibilities of the student in their intended destination country
  11. Complying with all relevant laws and regulations in both the agent’s home country and the student’s intended destination
  12. Representing a government or industry endorsement, including the use of any official brand marks, only with the written approval of the endorsing body
  13. Using institutions’ officially approved material, including branding or any official marks, only in cases where a written agreement with the institution provides for such use
  14. Ensuring that all advertising and marketing materials are free of misrepresentation and compliant with both local advertising standards and the brand guidelines of partner institutions
  15. Ensuring the quality of the student experience through effective mechanisms to gather feedback and otherwise monitor the students’ progress in their destinations abroad
  16. Establishing clear processes for handling complaints and resolving disputes
  17. Participating in appropriate industry training programmes where possible and appropriate, as well as training and site visits specific to individual institutions
  18. Maintaining membership in appropriate professional associations and other standards-based bodies, where possible and appropriate
  19. Working with stakeholders and colleagues to advance industry standards and best practices
  20. Maintaining all required business licences and/or registrations

Please note: The ICEF Code of Conduct is based on the globally endorsed ethical framework and principles enshrined in the London Statement (formally, The Statement of Principles for the Ethical Recruitment of International Students by Education Agents and Consultants). It also reflects the best practices advanced in other notable frameworks, including the National Association for College Admission Counselling’s (NACAC) Guide to International Student Recruitment Agencies; the British Universities’ International Liaison Association’s (BUILA) National Code of Ethical Practice for UK Education Agents; the Australian Agent Code of Ethics (ACE); AIRC: The Association of International Enrollment Management’s standards for both institutions and agencies; and the Association of Language Travel Organisations’ (ALTO) Best Practice Guidelines for Education Providers and Agents.

Billing Details

Please fill in the details of the person whose card/bank account will be used to pay.

Would you like to pay annually or monthly?